Slack Markdown Formatting

Apply formatting when you copy and paste text in markdown from another source into Slack: Ctrl+Shift+F Undo message formatting: Ctrl+Z The best Slack keyboard shortcuts for Apple. Slack uses various characters for its own markdown formatting. How can I enter a message with those reserved characters escaped? It's beneficial to introduce as much structure and form to your message as possible. Formatting gives content a visual hierarchy that makes it easier to read. Read our reference guide to formatting text for app surfaces to learn about the mrkdwn formatting syntax.

Slack messaging interface

It is fair to say that sending messages on Slack is the tool's most used feature.

Markdown support in the Slack messaging interface leaves a little to be desired, however some elements that make up the basic syntax are available to the user.

The application has formatting options in the WYSIWYG style and this is the default form enabled for all users.

The program also has a real-time editor that hides the Markdown content formatting while you're typing the message.

In this case using the interface formatting controls is optional.

To disable the Slack real-time editor a.k.a the parser that hides the Markdown markup, activate the option: Preferences > Advanced > Format messages with markup.

See the image below:

From now on, all Markdown symbols will remain on the screen and the WYSIWYG buttons will also disappear.

Slack allows the user to have several workplaces open at the same time, if this is your case, you must activate the Markdown for each one of them.

You can visit Slack at

Slack Markdown support in the messaging interface

Table 1.1 shows the Markdown elements that are supported in the Slack message interface, and also provides useful information about some of these elements.

Line breaksNoSlack does not support the Markdown syntax for breaking a line, but you can still press the Shift + Enter key combination to achieve the same result.
BoldNoTo bold text, use an asterisk around the text, example: *Lorem*. Note that, this is the standard Markdown syntax to italicize content.
ItalicPartialOnly the use of an underscore is supported, example: _Lorem_.
Ordered listsYes
Unordered listsYes
CodePartialSlack's messaging interface does not support code blocks.
Horizontal linesNo
ImagesNoThe Slack message editor does not provide support for Markdown formatting images. But you can still drag and drop an image file directly into the interface.
Fenced code blocksYes
Title IdNo
Definition listsNo
StrikethroughPartialSurround content with just one tilde, example: ~Lorem~.
Task listsNo
Emoji (copy and paste)Yes
Emoji (access codes)Yes
Automatic URL LinkYes
Disable automatic link from URLYes

It is worth noting that the information above refers to messages used in the Slack user interface, when we use Slack's API for messages we get greater support for Markdown additional elements, elements that are not compatible with the user interface .

In the Slack API documentation you can check more information about compatibility.

Slack post interface

The Slack post interface has a Markdown editor with a real-time conversion feature, that is, the formatting of the content is shown as you type.

With the real-time editor, the Markdown formatting symbols are removed and the result is displayed immediately, example: _test_ -->test.

To create a new post on Slack, click on the button with a paper clip icon and select the Post option on the Create New menu.

See the image below.

Slack Markdown support in the post interface

Table 1.2 shows the Markdown elements compatible with the Slack post interface.

TitlesPartialThe Slack post interface supports only one # and two ## level headings and only the use of pound sign is allowed.
Line breaksNo
BoldNoIn the Slack post interface use only one asterisk * to bold the content, as it is, this is the standard Markdown formatting for italics. A little confusion, but that's okay.
ItalicPartialOnly the use of the underline is supported in Slack, example: _Lorem_.
Ordered listsYes
Unordered listsYes
Horizontal linesNo
Fenced code blocksYesIt is not possible to highlight the syntax of code block based on the programming language.
Title IdNo
Definition listsNo
StrikethroughPartialSurround the content you want to cross out with just one tilde, example: ~Lorem~.
Task listsNo
Emoji (copy and paste)Yes
Emoji (access codes)Yes
Automatic URL LinkYes
Disable automatic link from URLYes

See also

You love Slack. We love Slack. Everyone loves Slack. At least, everyone I know who uses it, which is a lot of people. Slack is the newest in team based communication tools, right after GroupMe and Hipchat. But Slack is by far the fastest growing one. The Slack icon found its way to many Docks this past year, and consequently, our hearts. Talking about icons, seems Slack’s founder is on his way to become one too.


If you are using Slack, I’m sure you’re using it a lot, which is really the only way. If you’re using the Mac or Windows app, the keyboard shortcuts listed below will help you do things faster.

Speaking of the keyboard: Check out our ultimate guide to keyboard shortcuts for the most popular services to save 10-20 minutes of time every day.Slack markdown formatting example

1. The Quick Switcher

The Slack app comes with a Spotlight-esque Quick Switcher. Bring it up by pressing Cmd + K on Mac or Ctrl +K on Windows. Pressing this keyboard shortcut brings up a text field. Type in the first letters of a group chat, channel or personal chat and the option will be highlighted. Press enter to switch to that conversation.

In practice, if you’re running multiple teams, this is crazy fast when compared to using the old point and click mouse maneuver.

2. Press the Up Arrow to Edit

It will happen, you’ll type something wrong. To quickly bring back the last message you sent back to the text box, just press the Up arrow key.

3. Formatting Keys

Wrap your text in *asterisks* for bold, _underscores_ for italics, `grave accents` for code, and start the line with a “>” sign to make it a block quote. Formatting in Slack is similar to Markdown.

4. The Slash

In any text field, type in a forward slash to bring up multiple options. After the slash type in any command specified, press enter and you’ll be on the way. Here are some examples of how this works:

5. Mark a Message as Unread/Read

Slack Markdown Formatting Definition

If you’ve read something but want to take action on it later, just mark the message as unread (a better system would be to Star a message). Click on the message while holding the Alt key. On the mobile apps you can use tap and hold.

Also, Esc marks messages in the current thread as read while Shift+Esc does it for all the messages in Slack.

6. All the Keyboard Shortcuts

On Mac press Cmd + ? (Ctrl + ? for Windows) to bring up a list of keyboard shortcuts for the app.

Bonus: Pro Search Tools

Slack supports operator based search in its apps, just like Evernote. In Slack, these are called “modifiers”. You can prefix search queries with these modifiers to narrow down the results and get where you want to go faster.

Slack Code Block Language

If you’ve been using Slack for a while, you probably have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of messages exchanged. Using search modifiers like the person’s name, a channel, or a specific time frame will surely be of help. Check out the help page for more info.

Your Slack Tips

Are you an avid Slack user? Have you customized the Slackbot with custom loading screens, the UI, or the emojis? Have a special, super secret tip to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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Slack Markdown Formatting Example

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