Slack And Discord

  1. Slack Discord Integration
  2. Connect Discord To Slack
  3. Slack And Discord Look The Same
  4. Combine Slack And Discord
  5. Slack And Discord Integration
  6. Difference Slack And Discord
  7. Slack And Discord In One App

Integrate Discord and Slack the way you want. Send instant messages to users or channels in Slack. Connect Discord and Slack with your other cloud apps and run workflows. Almost everyone who communicates with people online have heard of Slack. It’s communication software designed to replace email and make team communication a cinch.

  • The researchers explained that Slack, Discord and other collaboration app platforms use content delivery networks (CDNs) to store the files shared back and forth within channels.
  • Both Slack and Discord are incredible team communication tools designed for specific use-cases. However, we recommend Slack because of its superior collaborative tools, tons of third-party integrations, easy file searching and file uploads, and several other.

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Hackers are increasingly using Slack and Discord to distribute malware to unsuspecting victims, according to Cisco Talos research published Wednesday.

Suspected cybercriminals have been uploading files to the platforms, which are then stored within the apps’ content delivery networks, resulting in a link to malicious content. Attackers then share the links outside of Slack and Discord — over email or on other chat applications, for instance — allowing hackers to share the link wherever they want.

It’s the kind of workaround that could allows hackers to meet targets where they already are — on platforms they trust and need to conduct business or socialize — which could allow them to boost the success of any social engineering efforts.

Hackers have long abused people’s trust in chat applications to deliver malware to targets. Hackers previously used Discord to distribute Thanatosransomware, according to Talos. In recent months, a hacking group that targets victims in the Middle East was caught trying to spread malware to targets by impersonating Telegram and other Android messaging applications, according to ESET research.

In this case, hackers are using legitimate infrastructure that otherwise seems trustworthy, Talos researchers noted.

“By leveraging these chat applications that are likely allowed, they are removing several of those hurdles and greatly increase the likelihood that the attachment reaches the end user,” researchers wrote. “The versatility of having a malicious URL that is hosted on a domain unlikely to get blocked is obviously attractive to malicious actors.”

Earlier this year Slack instituted protections to try to prevent this kind of trickery from duping users and non-users, a company spokesperson said.

“Keeping our customers and their data secure is our top priority at Slack,” the spokesperson said, adding that more protections are in the works. “To further prevent phishing scams and spam, we’re building industry-standard malware protection and link scanning, where malicious activity is automatically prevented. These tools will roll out this Spring.”

A Discord spokesperson said the company is working to proactively identify these kinds of issues.

“Platform security is a priority for us. Discord relies on a mix of proactive scanning – such as antivirus scanning – and reactive reports to detect malware and viruses on our service,” the spokesperson said.

Many emails exploiting this approach in recent months have typically been financially-themed, and aim to trick victims by claiming to contain links to documents that are invoices, purchase orders or fax documents, according to Talos. In fact, the documents usually contain malware.

In some cases, attackers have used the bad links to run multi-stage infections, in which the first piece of malware delivered to targets is used to deliver additional payloads, allowing for multiple phases of an attack to take place. Hackers have, for instance, used such a process to deliver Remcos, a remote access trojan that allows scammers to steal data from their victims, Talos researchers said.

In other cases, Talos researchers have observed hackers using Discord to effectively establish command-and-control communications by using webhooks, which allow them to update specific Discord servers with messages and information. In this case, hackers have been using a webhook functionality, which is a means that apps use to communicate with other technologies, as part of their data exfiltration efforts, according to Talos.

Talos did not name any victims explicitly, but noted that emails containing links leveraging Discord were written in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.

-In this Story-

Cisco Talos, Discord, hackers, hacking, Slack

If you’ve ever considered building an online community, you’ve probably heard of Slack and Discord.

These two “team chat” services have soared in popularity over the years, especially for creators looking to connect their community members. That in itself makes sense: Finding powerful and robust ways for your community to interact is an important step in all creator’s journeys.

But when you start comparing the Discord app vs Slack, it can be hard to understand their differences and figure out which one you should go with. Fortunately, we’re here to help you.

Ahead, we’re putting the two community platforms—Slack vs Discord— to the test. But first, let’s explore why it’s important to have a solid community platform for members to interact on in the first place.

Why are online community platforms important?

Online community platforms are important because they give you the tools to connect your members together and provide them with unique experiences and content to interact with.

Let’s break it down some more. At the end of the day, what’s a community? A community is a group of people coming together because of a shared goal or interest. In the past, communities were limited by proximity or how close to each other your members lived.

But online communities allow you to connect with people from around the world. And they are much easier to scale with your community’s growth. Creators who are looking to compare Discord app vs Slack understand the value that comes with building a network for your members to communicate.

Now that we’ve explored why community platforms are important, let’s dive into what Discord and Slack are all about.

Slack vs Discord: Who are they?

Before we break down the criteria for this throwdown, we thought it would be helpful to explain what Slack and Discord bill themselves as. This is important because there are many different online community platforms and they all emphasize different things.


Slack bills itself as a faster, easier, and more efficient solution to traditional email communication. Essentially, Slack is primarily a text-based service that allows creators to section topics into “channels,” making it easier to organize the variety of conversations you and your members are having.

For instance, you might have a channel called “General” which is a basic chat room for all members to hangout and talk. Then, if you want to have a place for a specific topic like making announcements, you’d make a separate channel called “Announcements.”

At its heart, Slack is a really organized chat-based community platform for members to interact in.



Discord is very similar to Slack in that they provide a primarily text-based communication solution for members of a community to interact with one another.

The aesthetics and functionality of Discord are fairly similar to Slack. They allow creators to make separate channels for specific topics. The example we used above to describe Slack applies in Discord as well.

Discord emphasizes that you’re creating a community “hangout” space for your members.

Slack vs. Discord: Judgement criteria

When there are so many online community platforms to choose from, it can be hard to know what software to pick. We’ve come up with some guidelines that will make that decision easier. Our top three criteria are:

  • Customization and features. Your online community succeeds when you have many tools to experiment with. Why? Because it gives your members new ways to interact with one another and your content. We are talking about online course creation, paid memberships, discussion boards, polls, Q&As, member profiles, prerecorded video, video chat, and more.

Slack Discord Integration

  • Availability. The best online community platforms will make your content available in as many ways as possible. If your members can access your community or course from a variety of places, they will be more invested. Online community platforms that can be built for and across the web, iOS, and Android is a must.
  • Pricing. How much you’re asked to pay for an online community platform is important. When so many offer similar features, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the most for your money.

There are many ways to evaluate online community platforms, but we believe these three aspects will be the most helpful to unpack.

So let’s dive into the comparison between Slack and Discord!


Slack vs. Discord: Customization and features

When it comes to choosing an online community platform, we believe the best ones give you many tools to encourage interaction between members.

Think about it this way: When you create an online community for your brand, you’re not just connecting people together who like what you do. You’re also creating a network!

This means that you want to have the ability to provide experiences for members to interact with one another and build new personal and professional relationships.


On Slack, you create “workspaces” for different groups of people to interact in. This speaks largely to the audiences they target: professionals, businesses, and corporations. Essentially your “workspace” will be the hub through which all your community interactions take place.

Within a workspace, you can create the “channels” for discussion topics we talked about earlier. Outside of these customization options, a lot of the rest are fairly superficial (like allowing you to change the color of the sidebar).

Within a “channel” conversation, members can reply to individual messages and create a thread. This is helpful for organizing conversations.

In terms of features, however, Slack does allow for over 1,000 integrations. This means you could integrate things like Google Drive, Giphy (who doesn’t love a good gif?), and Zapier. Outside of integrations, Slack offers video and voice calling if you’d like to have some kind of video hangouts.


When you choose Discord, you’re largely getting the same experiences with customization and features.

A few major differences are that Discord has “servers” (their equivalent to Slack’s “workspaces”) but they are all accessible through one account. A downside of Slack is that your members will need to have multiple logins if they are part of multiple workspaces. This will make it much easier for members to switch between different groups that they are in and access their direct message wherever they are.

Discord has a heavy emphasis on targeting gamers. Because of that, the platform has robust features for voice chatting in more informal ways.

On Slack, when you want to voice chat it’s basically like a Skype call. But on Discord, you can click a button and voice chat without opening any additional windows. You can even provide your members with exclusively voice chat channels.

Does slack own discord

When you compare Slack vs. Discord’s communication features, Discord, in general, is much more informal.

Slack vs. Discord: Availability

Right now, people are increasingly interacting with content and communities through their mobile devices. We believe that the best online community platforms allow you to build a space that is accessible wherever your members are, at any time.


In terms of availability, Slack offers a great mobile app experience that is nearly identical to what you have on your computer. This will allow your members to interact wherever they are across any of their devices.


Discord has very similar availability options to Slack. When you use Discord for your online community, your members will be able to access the Discord mobile app and interact with the community no matter where they are.

Slack vs. Discord: Pricing

When it comes to pricing, it’s important to choose a platform that provides a great experience for your members and you. What we mean by this is that the online community platform you choose should offer great features and accessibility all at a great price.


One of Slack’s major weaknesses is its pricing. While Slack does have a free plan, you’ll be restricted to one-on-one video calls, search features will be limited, you won’t be able to share your screen or connect with outside organizations, and you’ll only be able to integrate with up to 10 third-party tools. If you’re trying to grow your online community, then you’ll likely end up opting for a paid plan on Slack.

Their pricing model charges you $6.67/person per month at the standard level and goes up from there. This means that as your online community grows, you’ll have to continue to pay more.

Here of the features that come with the standard plan:

  • Unlimited message archive.
  • Unlimited apps.
  • Group video calls with screen sharing.
  • Work securely with other organizations using Slack Connect.


Connect Discord To Slack

Discord on the other hand has a much more accessible pricing model for what most online communities will want.


The primary experience of Discord is offered completely free of charge.

Some of the features you get with Discord are:

  • Unlimited message archive.

Slack And Discord Look The Same

  • 9 integrations (game, social media, and some other services), API integrations.
  • Group video calls with screen sharing.
  • The default online concurrent user limit is 5,000 but it can be raised.

Combine Slack And Discord

When you look at the options offered from Slack vs. Discord, it becomes clear the Discord is a much easier place to start building an online community.

Slack vs. Discord: Who is the winner?

So, if you couldn’t tell from our Slack vs. Discord head to head, the two platforms are very similar.

When you’re choosing between Discord app vs Slack we think it will largely come down to how big your online community is, and what your target demographic is.

Compare slack and discord

Slack And Discord Integration

Discord is a very informal platform that is largely used for a community hangout space. Slack is used more in businesses as a way for coworkers to connect and interact. This doesn’t mean that they can’t be used for other purposes, but they won’t be ideal.

In fact, the two platforms give you a clear idea of who they are aiming for in their slogans:

  • Discord: Your place to talk.
  • Slack: Where work happens.

We believe that online communities are built around providing members a unique experience that connects them with like-minded people. Slack and Discord are great supplements for online communities, but not the best for building one straight out.

Hold up. Why settle for less?

We spent a lot of time above talking about the ins and outs of Slack and Discord, but they really aren’t your best online community platform option.

We think what we’ve built at Mighty Networks provides a much better experience than what you’ll get at Discord or Slack. At the end of the day, Discord and Slack are both just communication platforms. When you choose to build a community on these platforms you’re barring yourself from so many features. Here are just a few of the many features you get with Mighty Networks:

Difference Slack And Discord

  • Offer paid memberships.
  • Have your own branded app that is accessible in the App Store and Google Play store.
  • Discussion boards, create polls, and surveys.
  • You can post recorded videos (Update: native live video for online courses is available now!), images, and audio clips.
  • You can have free small groups or charge for access.
  • Build online courses.

Slack And Discord In One App

We could go on, but there’s no need to rub it in…Mighty Networks is able to do most of what Slack and Discord are doing on top of all of the additional features listed above.

Better yet, all of our features work across the web, iOS, and Android which gives your members flexibility and accessibility to how they interact with each other and your content.

Sounds pretty great, yeah? Check us out!

What kind of online community will you build?