Brew Virtualbox

Question or issue on macOS:

I’m trying to install virtual box with brew-cask, but That returns this kind of error and I cannot install virtualbox. I use MacOSX Lion 10.7.5 and homebrew 0.9.5, ruby 2.1.0-p0

The special feature in this toolbox is the requirement for VirtualBox, which will be a supervisor to run Linux. So, Docker is available as another machine in Docker environment. This toolbox contains also docker-compose (more below) and Kinematic.

I’ve described the process in Terminal below.

  1. Brew install-cask virtualbox-extension-pack. Name: Oracle VirtualBox Extension Pack. AMD64/Intel64 and x86 virtualization. Depends on casks: virtualbox: Oracle VirtualBox: 6.1.18,142142: Conflicts with casks: virtualbox-extension-pack-beta: Installing virtualbox-extension-pack means you have AGREED to the license at: https://www.virtualbox.
  2. From Command line run these commands to update Brew and view the version (licenses): $ brew update $ sudo xcodebuild -license. Install Vagrant and Virtualbox via Homebrew: Download, verify, and install VirtualBox: $ brew install Caskroom/cask/virtualbox.

First of all, brew tap command is succeeded.

Second, I’ve already installed brew-cask as below

Third, when I tried to install virtualbox, but it returns this kind of error, and I cannot get install the Virtualbox.

How to solve this problem?


Solution no. 1:

The homebrew-cask repository has moved. Did you try:

instead of phinz?


Brew Virtualbox Update

As Jon Nalley points out, brew install brew-cask is now deprecated:

Brew Virtualbox-dkms


Important December 2015 update: Homebrew-Cask will now be kept up to date together with Homebrew (see #15381 for details). If you haven’t yet, run brew uninstall –force brew-cask; brew update to switch to the new system.

Solution no. 2:

Worked for me.

Solution no. 3:

At first, I got the “multiple taps” error:

Then, I included the full (caskroom) path to brew-cask and it worked:

Brew Virtualbox

Solution no. 4:

Brew Virtualbox

That worked for me

Brew Virtualbox

Hope this helps!